I've created a grid with many column and I've set for many of those columns the property "CellActivation = Activation.NoEdit" and for some column I allow editing
The problem is, I must allow editing (non-editable cells) depending of the value entered in an editable cell.
I explain, I've an editable cell binded to a boolean (the grid display by default a checkbox and it's ok). If that checkbox is checked (Set to true) I must allow the user to set a date (the cell nearby) who is not editable by default.
How can I do shuch things, I've tried many way but the problem is, the CellActivation property is a "UltraWinGridColumn" property so if I set this property to "Activation.AllowEdit" I do not allow edit the cell of the active row, I allow edit the entire column and I don't want to do that.
Thanks JCT,
I've made a post to the "Grids" forums and someone give me the solution for my problem.
Your right about the Activation property, but in fact the problem I had was a little bit more complicated.
From the knowledgebase : The cell will always take the least accessible activation level based on it's row, column, and cell setting.
I've forgot this fact and I've set the cell activation level through the column, so even if I tried to activate the cell, the column activation setting is th least accessible activation level so the cell was never activated. I must force the cell to ignore the activation level from the row and column by setting the "IgnoreRowColActivation" property to true.
See the knowledgebase article