I am trying to implement the Model View View Model pattern and I understand that the Model shouldn't have any references back to the View Model where the databindings are. I have databindings to Owners and Task tables and understand the task is mapped to owner as part of the Tasks.AllProperties field. However, all the examples seem to indicate that I should setup a Task and then use Task.Save() to populate the Tasks.AllProperties field. But in order to construct that class, my Model needs to have knowledge of the ViewModel's databinding class because that is where the ultraCalendarInfo is stored, which has the method to create a task.
Is there a way to populate the database fields without using that Task.Save() method so that I can keep my databindings cleanly separated from my model?
I should also mention that my design requirements are that tasks are only assigned to a single resource.
Hello Myca,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics.
I am currently researching this. I will update this thread by the end of the week with more information.