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Composite chart layout

Hello I am working with the composite chart. It is the column and line chart wich are populated in this way 

public ctlColumnChart(DataProfile dataProfile, LayoutParams layoutParams)

private void ctlColumnChart_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.ultraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.Composite;

ChartArea histogramArea = new ChartArea();
ChartArea lineArea = new ChartArea();

AxisItem axisYhistogram = new AxisItem();
axisYhistogram.Extent = 20;
axisYhistogram.DataType = AxisDataType.Numeric;
axisYhistogram.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0.##>";
axisYhistogram.OrientationType = AxisNumber.Y_Axis;
axisYhistogram.Labels.HorizontalAlign = StringAlignment.Far;
axisYhistogram.LineColor = Color.Silver;


AxisItem axisXhistogram = new AxisItem();
axisXhistogram.Extent = 20;
axisXhistogram.DataType = AxisDataType.String;
axisXhistogram.Labels.Orientation = TextOrientation.VerticalLeftFacing;
axisXhistogram.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>";
axisXhistogram.OrientationType = AxisNumber.X_Axis;
axisXhistogram.SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.GroupBySeries;
axisXhistogram.LineColor = Color.Silver;
axisXhistogram.Labels.Orientation = TextOrientation.Custom;
axisXhistogram.Labels.OrientationAngle = 315;


AxisItem axisYnormalDistribution = new AxisItem();
axisYnormalDistribution.Extent = 20;
axisYnormalDistribution.DataType = AxisDataType.Numeric;
axisYnormalDistribution.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:##.##>";
axisYnormalDistribution.OrientationType = AxisNumber.Y_Axis;
axisYnormalDistribution.Visible = false;
axisYnormalDistribution.LineColor = Color.Silver;
axisYnormalDistribution.MajorGridLines.Visible = false;
axisYnormalDistribution.MinorGridLines.Visible = false;


AxisItem axisXnormalDistribution = new AxisItem();
axisXnormalDistribution.Extent = 20;
axisXnormalDistribution.DataType = AxisDataType.String;
axisXnormalDistribution.Labels.Orientation = TextOrientation.VerticalLeftFacing;
axisXnormalDistribution.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>";
axisXnormalDistribution.Labels.Visible = false;
axisXnormalDistribution.OrientationType = AxisNumber.X_Axis;
axisXnormalDistribution.SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.ContinuousData;
axisXnormalDistribution.LineColor = Color.Silver;
axisXnormalDistribution.MajorGridLines.Visible = false;
axisXnormalDistribution.MinorGridLines.Visible = false;
axisXnormalDistribution.Margin.Near.MarginType = LocationType.Pixels;
axisXnormalDistribution.Margin.Near.Value = 20;

ChartLayerAppearance myColumnLayer = new ChartLayerAppearance();
myColumnLayer.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnChart;
myColumnLayer.SwapRowsAndColumns = true;
myColumnLayer.ChartArea = histogramArea;

ChartLayerAppearance myLineLayer = new ChartLayerAppearance();
myLineLayer.ChartType = ChartType.LineChart;
myLineLayer.ChartArea = lineArea;

NumericSeries histogramSeries = new NumericSeries();
histogramSeries.DataBind(GetHistogramData(), "Value", "Month");
histogramSeries.PEs.Add(new PaintElement(Color.DimGray));

NumericSeries normalDestributionSeries = new NumericSeries();
normalDestributionSeries.DataBind(GetNormalDestributionData(), "Cumm Plane", "Month");
normalDestributionSeries.PEs.Add(new PaintElement(Color.Red));

for (int i = 0; i < GetHistogramData().Rows.Count; i++)
Override colorOverride = new Override();
colorOverride.Column = -2;
colorOverride.Row = i;
colorOverride.PE = new PaintElement(Color.LightSlateGray);

ColumnChartAppearance appearance = new ColumnChartAppearance();
appearance.SeriesSpacing = 0;
myColumnLayer.ChartTypeAppearance = appearance;

myColumnLayer.AxisX = axisXhistogram;
myColumnLayer.AxisY = axisYhistogram;

myLineLayer.AxisX = axisXnormalDistribution;
myLineLayer.AxisY = axisYnormalDistribution;

//for (int i = 0; i < GetHistogramData().Rows.Count; i++)
// Override colorOverrideline = new Override();
// colorOverrideline.Column = -2;
// colorOverrideline.Row = i;
// colorOverrideline.PE = new PaintElement(Color.Red);
// myLineLayer.ChartComponent.Override.Add(colorOverrideline);

ultraChart1.Axis.X.RangeMin = 0;

private DataTable GetHistogramData()
DataTable lineDt = new DataTable();
lineDt.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(decimal));

lineDt.Rows.Add("Apr-10", 1.039381);
lineDt.Rows.Add("May-10", 1.531703);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Jun-10", 2.166947);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Jul-10", 2.943036);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Aug-10", 3.837218);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Sep-10", 4.802984);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Oct-10", 5.771378);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Nov-10", 6.657660);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Dec-10", 7.372884);

return lineDt;

private DataTable GetNormalDestributionData()
DataTable lineDt = new DataTable();
lineDt.Columns.Add("Cumm Plane", typeof(decimal));

lineDt.Rows.Add("Apr-10", 1.039381);
lineDt.Rows.Add("May-10", 1.531703);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Jun-10", 2.166947);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Jul-10", 2.943036);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Aug-10", 3.837218);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Sep-10", 4.802984);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Oct-10", 5.771378);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Nov-10", 6.657660);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Dec-10", 7.372884);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Jan-11", 7.838389);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Feb-11", 8.000000);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Mar-11", 7.838389);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Apr-11", 7.372884);
lineDt.Rows.Add("May-11", 6.657660);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Jun-11", 5.771378);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Jul-11", 4.802984);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Aug-11", 3.837218);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Sep-11", 2.943036);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Nov-11", 2.166947);
lineDt.Rows.Add("Dec-11", 1.531703);

return lineDt;

private void ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.FillSceneGraphEventArgs e)
//if (e.Grid.Count == 0) return;

foreach (Primitive p in e.SceneGraph)
Box bar = p as Box;
if (bar != null)
bar.PE.Stroke = Color.LightGray;

List<Text> textPrims = e.SceneGraph.OfType<Text>().ToList();
var axisX = e.Grid["X"] as IAdvanceAxis;

if (axisX != null)
var mapRange = axisX.MapRange;
var totalRange = (double)axisX.TotalRange;

int maxYvalue = textPrims.First().bounds.Location.Y;
foreach (Text text in textPrims)
if (maxYvalue < text.bounds.Location.Y && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(text.GetTextString()))
maxYvalue = text.bounds.Location.Y;

foreach (Text text in textPrims)
SetLabelAxis xAxis = e.Grid["X"] as SetLabelAxis;

if (xAxis == null)

var labels = new List<string>();

for (int i = 0; i < xAxis.ChartData.GetColumnCount(); i++)

if (labels.Contains(text.GetTextString()) && text.bounds.Location.Y == maxYvalue)
//text.bounds.Offset(0, 0);
//text.bounds.Offset((int)(mapRange / totalRange / 2), 0);
text.bounds.Offset((int)((mapRange / totalRange / 3) - 5), (int)((mapRange / totalRange / 3) * -1) - 2);
//text.bounds.Offset((int)(10), -10);

1) The problem is with the Override object here

for (int i = 0; i < GetHistogramData().Rows.Count; i++)
Override colorOverride = new Override();
colorOverride.Column = -2;
colorOverride.Row = i;
colorOverride.PE = new PaintElement(Color.LightSlateGray);

what I want is that Line chart to be red collor and Column chart to be LightSlateGray. But when I use override for 

colorOverride.Column = 0;

colorOverride.Row = 0;

it colors first column of column chart and whole line chart in the same color. So when I get Override through the foreach loop all columns in the column chart (it is desirable) and whole line chart (not desirable) have the same color, colors are merged and it is impossible to see the line when columns are on the background.

Is there a way to set different color for the line?

I was trying to do something like this but it didn't helped

for (int i = 0; i < GetHistogramData().Rows.Count; i++)
Override colorOverrideline = new Override();
colorOverrideline.Column = -2;
colorOverrideline.Row = i;
colorOverrideline.PE = new PaintElement(Color.Red);

It colors whole control anyway

I also checked ZeroAlignData property via designer. BTW where can I find this property in the code?

2) Also while using column chart in ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph event I was able to get var axisX = e.Grid["X"] as IAdvanceAxis; but now when I use composite chart I get null here.

The same thing with labels angle. When I was using column chart I was able to set Axis.X.Labels.Orientation = Custom and than set angle of labels. Using composite chart this property takes no effect.

Can you advice something?


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