how to serach in UltraComboEditor by typing any character of items text
for example:
items of combo is:
when I do type س
combo find پرسنل
Hello fatemeh,
Filter Options to Filter Suggested Values
As described in the link above, you can set the AutoSuggestFilterMode to Contains. By doing so, the combo editor will display results where the item contains the entered character.
this.ultraComboEditor1.AutoCompleteMode = Infragistics.Win.AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;this.ultraComboEditor1.AutoSuggestFilterMode = Infragistics.Win.AutoSuggestFilterMode.Contains;
Elizabeth AlbertLocalization Engineer
if AutoSuggestFilterMode property not in infragistics v2009?
Thank you for providing the version information. Yes, this property was added in version 2010.1. I found a similar forum post that covers the same topic.
My suggestion would be to upgrade to version 2010.1 or above, depending on your Visual Studio and .NET Framework requirements.
I see that you also posted this question in a new thread and it will be answered there:
Please only post your questions once.
how do I know is any character in UltraTextEditor?