Hi I need to create a heat map that looks as below. I tried using UltraChart in TreeMap mode but that resulted in boxes of different dimensions(but same shape). I sthere any other way I can achieve a map just likethe one shown.
Hi Abhinav,
What platform are you working with? You mentioned the UltraChart. Are you using WinForms?
Hi Rob,
Yes I am using windows forms.
I had to ask one of our chart guru's to understand how to get the HeatMap chart to represent data as per the screenshot you provided and you can find that in the attached sample by running the application and clicking the UltraChart button. This will load the frmUltraChart and show an example HeatMap display. The data had to be presented a bit different from what I was used to for a HeatMap (symbols and values are in separate tables).
Me being me... you can do this without the UltraChart via the FlowLayoutPanel and an example of that can be seen by running the application and clicking the LayoutPanel button. This will load the frmLayoutPanel and show an example of how to use this control to do something similar to what the UltraChart shows.
To each their own :)
You guys are great. Exactly what I needed. Thanks!!
I decided to go with the FlowLayoutPanel. Gives me more power over customization.
I still have one problem more. Is there anyway I can make the size of the tiles change as per 2 conditions.
1. No of tiles
2. Size of the panel.
I need this so that I can Handel resize of the panel without it looking bad.
Thanks again,