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Multi-column picklist export to Excel

I create a workbook file via Infragistics.Documents.Excel.

I export an UltraWinGrid to a sheet in workbook via UltraGridExcelExporter.  This works, however I have a multi-column picklist in the grid that I want to maintain.  So after getting the sheet, I can edit the sheet - I think the export won't do the multi-column picklist.

I know there is some validation features in Excel to do this but I was hoping we can optimize or have an example of doing this already.

So, I have two columns A and B for instance

Column A = Well Pad

Column B = Unit

So for instance, Well Pads are 61, 62, 63, 64

Well Pad 61 has Units 1, 2, 3

Well Pad 62 has Units 4, 5, 6

Well Pad 63 has Units 1, 4, 7

Well Pad 64 has Units 5, 6

Therefore, the UltraWinGrid has a picklist on the Well Pad that is a multi-column ValueList with Well Pad, Well Pad Unit, and Description.

When a value is chosen from the picklist, it fills in the Well Pad + the Unit.  So for this example, the picklist would have 11 entries (61 1 desc1, 61 2 desc2, 61 3 desc 3, 62 1 desc 4, ....) and after picklist selection, the 2 fields (Well Pad + Unit will be filled in).  I can live without the descriptions and just have a way of selecting always a valid Well Pad + Unit combination on the grid.  I think it is doable by creating a picklist sheet and adding validation but it seems a little convoluted (if that is how we have to do this, hopefully you have a simple example I can follow - aka a prototype).

Is there an example of doing this in Infragistics probably via the Infragistics.Documents.Excel library of functions?  Alternatively a step by step way of doing this.

Parents Reply
  • 300
    posted in reply to Dale

    See as an example of kind of what I want -> dependent picklists would work.  For instance Area would determine which Well Pads are Valid.

    I can do easily in code but would like to create an export that does something similar without having to create an additional tab ... like the example does => seems too convoluted.
