Hi, team
I'm new with IG tools, and I have a question about the toolbars control.
I want to implement the menu with toolbars control, and in the menu, there would be more than one tab,and within every tab there are more than one option(button click function, I guess).
So does WinToolbars can do that? How to implement this?
Thanks for your concern.
menu button | | TAB1_button1 | TAB1 TAB1_button2 | TAB1_button3 | | TAB2 TAB2_button1 | … | | TAB3 TAB3_button1 | … | …
Could you please post a screen shot of the desired behavior. Because it seems to me that you meant tab control with a tree in each tab (or this are just inner popupMenus ). So could you please send me an image of what you want to achieve in order to understand you better.
I am waiting for your feedback.
I'm working with this for the whole afternoon, and I was wondering if the PopupGalleryTool can do the tab job which was shown on the screen shot?
I need the text to be shown in vertical.
Would you help me with that?
Thanks a lot.
Hi, Hristo
Thanks for helping in the previous question. And I've got the menu that I want, thanks again.
There is one more question. I have added a LabelTool in the toolbar in your sample and set the following properties to the LabelTool.
appearance.FontData.Name = "Arial";
appearance.FontData.SizeInPoints = 16F;
labelTools3.SharedPropsInternal.AppearanceSmall.Appearance = appearance;
labelTools3.SharedPropsInternal.Caption = "Test";
labelTools3.SharedPropsInternal.DisplayStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolDisplayStyle.TextOnlyAlways;
After all these setting complete, the "Test"'s font size didn't change at all.
Would you please help me with that? Thanks for your concern.
After I read about this post, I have got what I need, so this is not a question anymore.
Based on your latest post it seems to me that you found answers to your questions. Is there anything else that I could help you with ?
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Hello ,
You cannot set font size of individual tool, and instead you could set font size of the parent Toolbar (Toolbar.Seetings.Appearance) or directly to the Appearance object of the UltraToolbarsManager.
Sincerely thanks for all your help. That truly helped me with my case.
Thank you again!
LabelTool does not support borders, so what I could suggest you is to use DrawFilter in order to draw needed borders. So the implementation of your draw filter should looks like:
class MyDraw:IUIElementDrawFilter
public bool DrawElement(DrawPhase drawPhase, ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
drawParams.DrawBorders(UIElementBorderStyle.Inset, System.Windows.Forms.Border3DSide.All);
return true;
public DrawPhase GetPhasesToFilter(ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
if (drawParams.Element is LabelToolUIElement)
return DrawPhase.BeforeDrawBorders;
return DrawPhase.None;
And you should assign new instance of it to UltraToolbasManager:
ultraToolbarsManager1.DrawFilter = new MyDraw();
More information about this interface you will find on the following link:
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Thanks for replying. That's exactly what I need. Thanks very much!
And here I got one more question, if I want a lableTool to show like it has a 3D style, like the screenshot below.
this.ultraLabel1.BorderStyleInner = Infragistics.Win.UIElementBorderStyle.Inset;
And with LabelTool, What's the properties that I should use?
Thanks again.