How to remove the gray area around my display in the Grid, I have used fill but did not work.
Hello Bouzid,
Thank you for reaching out today. Would it be possible for you to send us a mockup and/or screenshot of your requirements? The Windows Forms UltraWinGrid, by default, does not have any gray area around it's bound other than possibly the form it's sitting on. Can you please clarify this?
Thanks, and let me know if you have any additional questions.
Attached is a pic of the the gray area I want to remove it.
Hi Michael,
I have attached the designer.
Thanks for your support
Hi Bouzid,
I incorporated your designer file in a new project and exlcluded the RepeatCtrl and I was unable to see the gray area. It seems both grids are fit to size the available space.
I attached an image of what I see.
I have found that when the form loads it loads to the desired size, but when you maximize it the UltraSplitter remains in its place, so if I can make the UltraSplitter interactive when I maximize I will achieve the solution. I have added an UltraSplitter but I am not sure what to do afterwards ??
What you have attached is completely fine, but once you maximize everything is blew up.
I am glad I directed you towards a solution, but I'll need a complete sample to further troubleshoot any issues you are having.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
What event I should use for the maximize, I have added this code but the form is not responding. I am using the Resize event.
if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
If you're dragging the edge of the form to resize it or changing the form size at runtime and it's not maximizing then there is some sort of issue going on. I'll need a sample to debug that behavior if our controls are being used. If this is happening without our controls then I recommend contacting Microsoft at