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Group by header format

I have a wingrid that I am grouping by a date column.  I want the group by rows to show the date in short format (mm/dd/yyyy or "d").  But no matter what I do, it always displays mm/dd/yyyy 12:00:00 AM.  I tried setting this at design time and at runtime.  Maybe I am changing the wrong setting:  Here is what I tried today:

gridDate.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).SortedColumns.Add("EventTimestamp", True, True)

gridDate.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).SortedColumns("EventTimestamp").Format = "d"


gridDate.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).SortedColumns.Add("EventTimestamp", True, True)

gridDate.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).SortedColumns("EventTimestamp").Format = "mm/dd/yyyy"

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