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Contour lines values


I have an application using ScatterDataSeries and TriangulationData to generate heatmaps and contour lines. I used the HeatMapChart project of [Infragistics] Martin Trela from this post as a reference.

Could you please expand the example adding the values on the contour lines? I tried to obtain something like the "Custom series" example for xamDataChart from the Infragistics WPF sample browser but I was not able to complete the task.


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    Hi LucaMinerva,

    The sample provided by Martin is using a ContourLineSeries object that originally comes from the XamGeographicMap assembly.  The reason it works in the XamDataChart is because the two controls share a lot of the same basic series logic.  This, however, is different than the "Custom Series" contour series that we have here.

    The ContourLineSeries used in the sample does not support markers so you can't show the values in a similar way that you see them in the Custom Series documentation.  In order to have markers like the Custom Series you will need to add a ScatterSeries that has the location of where you want the markers to show up.  Then you could provide a custom MarkerTemplate that you can use to show the value of that point.

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