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Enter on Closed XamComboEditor => RecordUpdated Event


We have a grid which contains some editable XamComboEditors. I'm having trouble getting them to behave the same way as other fields in the grid. Currently, if the user hits enter on text fields, it acts to "commit" the record, firing the RecordUpdated event, which calls a Save method which posts everything back to the DB.

My issue is that enter on a XamComboEditor selects a drop down value when it's open, and appears to do nothing when it's closed. I don't want to automatically commit to the database whenever the user selects a value, but I do want to after they select something and hit enter on the closed box. I'm thinking the workflow would either be mouse select a value -> enter -> saved grid OR enter select a value -> enter again -> saved grid.

Suggestions welcome!

  • 34850
    Suggested Answer
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    Hello Danielle,

    Thank you for your post.

    I have created a simple sample project that uses a XamDataGrid which handles the RecordUpdated event and has a ComboBoxField in it, but I can't seem to reproduce this behavior you are seeing. However, it is very possible that I am not placing the XamComboEditor in the grid in the same way that you are, and it is also possible that I'm not using the same XamComboEditor either, as there are two separate versions.

    Would it be possible for you to please provide some more information on the exact type of XamComboEditor that you are using? Are you using the WPF Specific one (Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamComboEditor), or the Shared XAML one (Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamComboEditor). After that, could you please provide some more detail on how you are placing your XamComboEditor in your grid? Are you using a ComboBoxField, or possibly re-templating the CellValuePresenter? Also, would it be possible for you to include the version of Infragistics WPF that you are using? My initial tests were made using Infragistics WPF 2015.2 specific version 15.2.20152.1000. Is this the same assembly version you are using?

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer
    Infragistics Inc.

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