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Flip values in a series ( positive to negative)


I am using a xamDataChart and a ScatterSeries. This just a small snapshot.

As you can see I have bound the series to PodsGraph1TopBeats. These will be positive values, so obviously they will be plotted in the positive quadrant. However, I want them to be plotted in the negative quadrant. But I dont want to change the value of the original series ie, i only want them displayed as negative but if I click on any point and the object is returned, I want the original positive value. I think this can be done with a converter. But I feel like if I had a DisplayMemberPath and ValueMemberPath for the Y value, I could do it. Is there a way to do this.



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    <ig:ScatterSeries ItemsSource="{Binding PodsGraph1TopBeats}"                                       MarkerType="Pyramid"                                       MarkerBrush="{Binding PodsGraph1TopColor}"                                       MarkerOutline="Transparent"                                       XMemberPath="Time" YMemberPath="Value"                                       XAxis="{Binding ElementName=PodsGraph1XAxis}"                                       YAxis="{Binding ElementName=PodsGraph1YAxis}" >

