I can export a RichTextDocument to a DOCX format without any trouble, but as soon as I try to add a table, as shown here:
I can no longer open the file in Word 2007. I receive an error: The file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents. Details: Unspecified error. Location: Part: /word/styles.xml, Line: 1, Column: 865.
I'd like to emphasize that there are no problems opening the file in Word 2007 until I try to insert a table. Then I can no longer open the file. Is this a known issue? Thanks.
Hello Adam,
Can you send me the word document or an sample word document that reproduces the issue. I'd like to test that along with building a sample to reproduce the behavior.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Certainly Michael. How can I send it to you? The docx file format apparently cannot be attached to posts on this forum.
Here, I have attached a file in a .zip folder for you.
I was able to reproduce semi-corruption when opening the file in the XamRichTextEditor. The file opens incomplete but without any errors by the editor. The file opens complete in Office Word 2013.
Can you please provide me with your code snippet that created the rich text editor document? Since I don't have Office 2007, I'd like to create a virtual machine and test this more in depth.
Hi Michael,
I have enclosed a zip folder that contains the following:
Thank you for your assistance.
Great!. Thanks, I'll starting on setting up a clean machine now with Windows 10, Office 2007. I'll follow up when I've finished everything needed so I can test. Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
I have a machine with Office 2007 installed and was unable to open your SampleDoc test as you've suggested. I'll follow up this week when I've completed my sample that demonstrates this behavior with your code and after I've logged a development issue with my team.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I've attached a sample I'd like for you to test. I wasn't able to reproduce the behavior. The only differences are that the some of the character settings are not applied. I'd like for to test and tweak the sample as you see fit to reproduce the behavior and send it back solution.