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Preventing manual pane resize

Is there a way to prevent users resizing a pane manually, ie so it will continually size to content?

Or a way to re-assert this setting programatically, once the pane has been sized manually?


  • 54937
    Offline posted

    By default a SplitPane will sized based on the size needed by the contents since its Width/Height if left at its default value of double.Nan. Once the splitter bar has been used to resize the pane, the Width (for split panes docked left/rigth) and Height (for those docked top/bottom) is set based on the position at which the splitter is released. To reset the split pane to be sized to content you would need to set its Width/Height back to double.Nan.

    Currently there is no way to prevent the SplitPane from having a splitter bar or to keep that splitter bar from being ui interactive. You should submit a suggestion for adding this functionality but I would recommend including as much detail about the functionality you require. The splitpane can contain more than one ContentPane and panes can be dragged into/out of the SplitPane so it would be best if you included details about how you want to use it to provide the context for which such a feature might be implemented.

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