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Control the Opacity when "IsOpacityReduced" is true

I am using the XamTreeGrid filtering with FilterResultsDisplayMode="ShowWithAncestorsAndDescendants" and FilterAction="Hide"

When children or ancestors are of "filtered in" rows are displayed they are of a very low opacity (0.35 to be exact) which my users find very difficult to read. Snooping around I found this snippet within the themes:

<Trigger Property="IsOpacityReduced" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="PART_RecordContentSite" Property="Opacity" Value="0.35" />

Which jives with the documentation on RecordFilterAction.ReduceFilter docs: "Record’s DataRecord.IsFilteredOut, property will be updated as well as the RecordPresenter's RecordPresenter.IsOpacityReduced. The default templates trigger off this property to set the RecordContentSite Opacity."

I would like to set this opacity value to something much higher without re-templating the content presenter.  I've tried several things without the desired results, including this style:

<Style TargetType="ContentPresenter">
    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=igDP:DataRecordPresenter}, Path=IsOpacityReduced}" Value="True">
      <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="0.85"/>

Any suggestions?

  • 175
    Offline posted

    Alternative angle to the same problem: is there a way I can prevent the DataRecordPresenter from being flagged as IsOpacityReduced when showing as an ancestor or dependent. If so then I think I can style these rows based on IsFilteredOut and IsVisible flags. 

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