How can I hide the close button and enable the Autohide button in XamDocManager panes.
Below is my code
<idm:XamDockManager x:Name="Dock"> <idm:DocumentContentHost> <idx:ContentPaneFactory.PaneFactory> <idx:ContentPaneFactory RemoveItemOnClose="False" ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSource,RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent},Converter={x:Static rtc:DummyConverter.Default},ConverterParameter={}ContentPaneFactory ItemsSource}" HeaderPath="Header" ContentPath="." > </idx:ContentPaneFactory> </idx:ContentPaneFactory.PaneFactory> </idm:DocumentContentHost> </idm:XamDockManager>
Hello Richa,
You can use the ContentPane AllowClose property to configure the visibility of the Close button. I don’t think Auto Hide option is possible for the panes placed in DocumentContentHost. It is an option for the panes placed in SplitPane for example.
I’ve attached a sample project for your reference.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance.
Svetla Boykova
Thanks for the sample code, but your sample code does not include how I can hide/disable close button while using ContentPaneFactory because in my code I am using ContentPaneFactory and I cannot find out any AllowClose property within it.