Using the Infragistics 18.2 version with Remote desktop connection we get a datapresenter error.
Exception-InnerLevel: 1
Exception-Message: The specified Visual is not an ancestor of this Visual.
Exception-Source: PresentationCore
Exception-TargetSite: Boolean TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(System.Windows.Media.Visual, Boolean, System.Windows.Media.GeneralTransform ByRef, System.Windows.Media.Matrix ByRef)
bei System.Windows.Media.Visual.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(Visual ancestor, Boolean inverse, GeneralTransform& generalTransform, Matrix& simpleTransform)
bei System.Windows.Media.Visual.TransformToAncestor(Visual ancestor)
bei Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.DataPresenterBase.GetRecordPresentersInViewHelper(FrameworkElement parent, Panel topLevelPanel, List`1 recordPresenters, Boolean recursive, Boolean onlyFullyInViewInXDimension, Boolean onlyFullyInViewInYDimension, Boolean excludeFixedRootRecords, Type restrictToRecordType, Boolean ignoreAnimations, Boolean dontExcludeActiveRecord)
bei Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.DataPresenterBase.GetRecordPresentersInView(Boolean recursive, Boolean ignoreAnimations, Boolean skipUpdateLayout, Boolean processPendingInvalidateGeneratedStyles)
bei Infragistics.Windows.Automation.Peers.DataPresenter.DataPresenterBaseAutomationPeer.GetRecordsInView()
bei Infragistics.Windows.Automation.Peers.DataPresenter.DataPresenterBaseAutomationPeer.<GetRecordsInView>d__28.MoveNext()
bei Infragistics.Windows.Automation.Peers.DataPresenter.ViewableRecordCollectionAutomationPeer.GetChildrenHelper(Boolean forceGetAll)
bei Infragistics.Windows.Automation.Peers.DataPresenter.ViewableRecordCollectionAutomationPeer.GetChildrenCore()
bei System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.EnsureChildren()
bei System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateChildrenInternal(Int32 invalidateLimit)
bei Infragistics.Windows.Automation.Peers.DataPresenter.DataPresenterBaseAutomationPeer.OnProcessVisualTreeOnlyChanged()
bei Infragistics.Windows.Automation.Peers.DataPresenter.DataPresenterBaseAutomationPeer.DirtyVirtualizedRecordPeers(Boolean async)
bei Infragistics.Windows.Automation.Peers.DataPresenter.DataPresenterBaseAutomationPeer.<DirtyVirtualizedRecordPeers>b__29_0()
In the following way can be reproduced.
Start a WPF application, which contains a datagrid with data on a remote computer. Disconnect the remote PC and leave the application to run. Make a new connection and you will get the error.
Can you help us to find out what can be the problem?
Please send me a sample of the issue being reproduced. I created a new VM recently with Windows 10.
Is there anything specific features needed to be configured with the XamDataGrid in order to reproduce this?
I tried with our samples browser and nothing happened. Is the sample needed to be in debug mode running through Visual Studio to crash?
Hi Michael,
We get the error in a complex application, where the XamDataGrid is used in multiple places, with many configuration, so I can't create an sample for You.
As You see I get an internal error, and I though from here you can find out the problem.
I will make some investigation to find out some more information.
What is the operating system of the VM your experiencing the issue with? Since the issue seems to be stemming from Automation Peers I would turn off automation support with the following override and see if it still occurs:
protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer() { return null; }
Your suggestion resolved our problem. Thank you for the help.
HI Michael,
Thank you we will try it and I will return with the result.