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Chaniging size of Tools Icons

I m facing problem in changing size of button tools placed inside ribbon tab Item. It is not allowing me to go beyond large Image size which is 32x32. I want to use 50x50 for my large screen.

Also when i am using Quick access toolbar, these icons are becoming very small. I am not able to increase the size of icons.

Any help would be appreciated.

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    Hello Jain,

    The default size of images of a ButtonTool on a RibbonGroup are 16px and 32px(Small image & Large image). Setting the SizingMode to ImageOnly or ImageAndTextNormal will use the small image, and setting it to ImageAndTextLarge will use the Large image.

    If you would like to use sizes other than our defaults, then you will need to re-template the  elements. You can use the default styles we ship with the  product (located in the DefaultStyles directory) as the starting point for your custom templates.

    Please see attached a sample project, setting the size of the LargeImage of a ButtonTool to 60x60px.

    Regarding the size of QAT images, I assume you mean the 16px images? As the images mirror the settings of the RibbonGroup, setting them to large should fix the problem.

    If that's not the case, please rework my sample, so I can inspect it further.

    Should you have any other questions, please let me know.

    Tihomir Tonev
    Associate Software Developer
