My aim is to change the target record's border color when moving a row in xamDataGrid (drag & drop framework). So far I've got working drag and drop functionality, but I can't figure out how to change row border color of the record over which the user hold's source record.
I tried setting DropTargetStyle inside ig:DropTarget element but the target is CardPanel and it doeasn't have anything like border brush and border thickness.
As a reference project I used the DragRecordsXDG (2).zip from https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ultimate-ui-for-wpf/68238/xamdatagrid-drag-drop-a-row-on-the-same-grid-to-order-rows but I can't attach the zip file to this post.
Thank you in advance,
Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. This has been previously discussed here with a provided samplehttps://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ultimate-ui-for-wpf/72874/drag-drop-highlight-entire-row-when-dragging-from-source-in-xam-data-grid
There is a custom DataRecordPresenter in App.xaml.
Hello, thank you for quick reply.
I saw this particular example and unfortunately, this doesn't solve the problem. In this example, the background is changed using DropTargetMarkerBrush property and I'm looking for a way to change the border brush and border thickness of target row.
Best regards
That's sad but nevertheless thank you for the information.
Hello Mateusz,
I tried applying a DropTargetStyle but with a custom control template with undesirable results. It appears for now we only support a marker brush.
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Michael DiFilippoSoftware DeveloperInfragistics, Inc.