Does XamDataGrid support WPF binding style.. E.g. I want one of my fields to be bound to a properties property, in WPF datatemplates I can just go Text={Binding Path=Author.DisplayName} etc.. however when I try the following in XamDataGrid myField Name="Author.DisplayName" it fails to bind?
Hi Matt -
To bind a Field to a sub-property of a record's property, you would need to create and add an UnboundField defintion to the FieldLayout.Fields collection. Here's an example of an UnboundField definition that binds to the DisplayName property of the record's Author property:
<igDP:UnboundField Name="author_displayname" BindingPath="Author.DisplayName", BindingMode="TwoWay" DataType="sys:string"/>
Is there a way to enable
DataErrors to work with unbound fields? When I follow the example above
DataError styling stops working.