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xamCarousalListBox and CollectionViewSource


 Hopefully I can explain myself relatively easily.

 I have a number of "CollectionViewSource"s defined with each one having a source="" which is a ObservableCollection from a WCF service.

Now all my listviews work 100% but the xamCarousalListBox doesn't do anything.

I have a CollectionViewSource defined as:-

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="srcPlannedOrder" Source="ServiceReference:entityPlannedOrder"/>

and so I have the following:-

 <igWindows:XamCarousalListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource srcPlannedOrder}}"> etc etc

I call the WCF service and the listview (same binding as above) shows the data but the xamCarousal doesn't.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Robin 


  • 550
    Offline posted


    Not to worry. Ripped it all out and used another companies product. Works a treat.



     PS - I know there have been holidays in USA but these forums are pretty much dead.

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