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Item without Scroll Bars

I am attempting to use the XamCarouselListBox for evaluation purposes and am having an issue with the size of the Items.  If I make the Item too big (defined by a DataTemplate), the item is placed in a scrollviewer (I think) and scroll bars are required to view the item.

 What property do I set on the XamCarouselListBox to render the entire ItemTemplate without the need for scroll bars?


No Data
  • 9694


    If you specify a ViewSettings for the XamCarouselListBox you will find an ItemSize property. This will allow you to specify the default size for a carousel item before it starts to show scroll bars.

  • 630
    posted in reply to [Infragistics] Curtis Taylor

    Changing the itemsize does not work for me. I am at a loss to know why. I generate the control dynamically like follows: I have attached document with all that is needed to show how I have implemented.


    CurrentPatientView = new Infragistics.Windows.Controls.XamCarouselListBox();

    CurrentPatientView.Height = 800;

    CurrentPatientView.Width = 1100;

    CurrentPatientView.ItemsSource = CurrentPatients;

    CurrentPatientView.ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate)FindResource("CurrentPatientTemplate");

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemSize = new System.Windows.Size(270, 170);

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.IsListContinuous = true;

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemPathAutoPad = false;          

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemPathHorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemPathVerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Stretch;

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ItemPathPadding = new Thickness(200, 0, 200, 200);       

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.ReserveSpaceForReflections = false;          

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.AutoScaleItemContentsToFit = false;                    

    CurrentPatientView.ViewSettings.UseScaling = true;