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Strange behaviour when IsListContinuous set to true.

I am trying to implement a continuous list in the XamCarouselListBox but have found some very strange behaviour in the scrolling actions.  I started with the following sample:

When the IsListContinues property is set to True, clicking on the right-hand items works until you select the first or second item in the databound list... then the carousel jumps that item back to beginning and scrolls the wrong direction.  I have tried numerous ways to fix it but nothing great.  I have one solution that works for carousels that have a definite "left & right side" or "top & bottom" (track which side the mouse is clicked on, then call the NavigateToNext/PreviousItem the required number of times) but of course it would break with custom paths that move around a lot and it also doesn't scroll very nicely (if you call it twice, you only see the second scroll).

 Any thoughts?  I think the problem might be with the SetVerticalOffset method call, but I can't find anything helpful on the net about alternatives.

 I think there should be a better way since the navigator "next page" and "next item" button presses scroll the list very nicely.. they just don't change the selected item when they scroll... and what I want is the user to be able to "select" an item in view and have it scroll to the center as well.


  • 9694

    ViewSettings contains properties for setting the prefix and suffix offsets. I find that setting this property for continuous lists changes how the list scrolls. You may be able to simulate the effect you want. You may find a limitation with continuous lists with this control as we have had to come up with a way to scroll items in from nowhere when the number of items is greater than the number of visible items (ItemsPerPage).

    To improve the way continuous lists work with this control, please send us your feedback of how you would like this control to work when IsContinuous is set to true (based on your usage of this control).

    Thank you!

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