hi all,
i have infragistics editor(DateTimeEditor), i want to hide the tday button of the Monthcaledar COntrol which is dropdown after click dropdown button.
more over is it possible that i can attach a seperate XamMOnthcalendar to my XamDateTimeEditor.
To change properties on the xamMonthCalendar used by the xamDateTimeEditor you could just add a style targeting the xamMonthCalendar to the grid's resources; be careful not to put it higher if you are setting the Theme property since that will put a resourcedictionary with the styles for wpf, editors and dp in the resources chain of the datapresenter.
I'm not sure what you mean by attaching a separate xamMonthCalendar. You can retemplate the xamDateTimeEditor to contain a different or modified xamMonthCalendar - the default template just has a xamMonthCalendar in a Popup.
hi Andrew,
thanks for reply. i did think on to create a style for it.
i mean seperate XamMOnthcalender means if i create a XamMonthCalendar like <igEditor:XamMonthCAlendar> with all properties set as per my requirement. then this particular XammonthCalendar, can i attached to my XamDateTimeEditor.
some thing like this
<igEditor:XAmMonthCaledar x:name="myCalendar" . . .. . ./>
<igEditor:XamDateTimeeditor x:Name="myDatetimeeditor">
</igEditor:XamDateTimeeditor >
You would have to retemplate the xamDateTimeEditor. We ship the default xaml for the controls in the DefaultStyles directory. You can use that as the starting point for your custom template.
Laki here again.
now my new question is can we use DisableDates for XamDateTimeEditor's inbuilt MonthCalendar?
or how'll i edit the Template of XamDatetimeEditor?
thanks in advanced.
There is no explicit link between a xamMonthCalendar and a xamDateTimeEditor so there is no such property. The template for the xamDateTimeEditor just happens to use a xamMonthCalendar within a popup. You could retemplate it if you really needed to.