yes. this also happened for me.
when items are more than 20 XamComboEditor shows the id of the item
It works fine with me. The data is shown properly. Here is the code that I used.
public List<Person> people = new List<Person>(); public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { Person p = new Person(); p.Name = "Person "+ i.ToString(); people.Add(p); } xamComboEditor1.ItemsSource = people; xamComboEditor1.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; } public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } }
Or am I missing something?
it seems this occure when binded to DataTable
tavPositions.FillBy_All(vPositions);this.XamComboEditor_WACChairmanPosition.ItemsProvider.ItemsSource = vPositions.DefaultView;this.XamComboEditor_WACChairmanPosition.ItemsProvider.DisplayMemberPath = "PositionCaption";this.XamComboEditor_WACChairmanPosition.ItemsProvider.ValuePath = "PositionId";
Just tested it with the NorthWind database and still works fine. I am using v8.2
Here is the code:
DataSet1 ds = new DataSet1();DataSet1TableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter cusAd = new WpfApplication3.DataSet1TableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter(); cusAd.Fill(ds.Customers); xamComboEditor1.DisplayMemberPath = ds.Customers.CityColumn.ToString(); xamComboEditor1.ItemsSource = ds.Customers;
As it works fine with me, you can give me a sample project to take a look.
I will explore this scenario as well and post a follow-up here.