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Databinding to igRibbon:ComboEditorTool

Hello I have a data table that I can bind to the igRibbon:ComboEditorTool tool.

Binding bind = new Binding();bind.Mode = BindingMode.Default;

bind.Source = GraphSeriesToAdd; //Data table

this.cmbTraceToColor.SetBinding(Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamComboEditor.ItemsSourceProperty, bind);

this.cmbTraceToColor.ValuePath = "Series";

this.cmbTraceToColor.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";


This works ok. I see the items listed in the combobox. I can select any one I choose. In the event


 I see the value I selected. But the event is fired twice as the combobox always reverts back to the first item in the list. I have also set

e.Handled = true;

I cant seem to get it to function correctly.



  • 229

    I have even tried this and get the same result. It always defaults back to the first Item 

    this.cmbTraceToColor.ItemsProvider = new ComboBoxItemsProvider();

    this.cmbTraceToColor.ItemsProvider.ItemsSource = GraphSeriesToAdd.DefaultView ;  //DataTabe

    this.cmbTraceToColor.ItemsProvider.ValuePath = "Series";

    this.cmbTraceToColor.ItemsProvider.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";

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