I have two TabGroupPane in the Right SplitPane and One TabGroupPane in the Left SplitPane and
I have a DocumentContentHost which contains one SplitPane with One userControl in it.Inside the
UserControl we using SQL Report Viewer using WindowsHost.I knew that it will overlap the WPF Control
and there is no solution for this in Infragistics right now.So what i wanted to do is that whenever the DockPanel
flyin or FlyOut according to the width of the FlyInPanel or FlyOutPanel i have to resize my Main Window
(ie UserControl in DocumentHost).Could you please suggest me how i can accomplish this?
I have attached the Sample Project for your reference.
Thanks a lot in Advance.
I don't think resizing the window is really going to help for a couple of reasons. First, if the mouse is hovering over the tab on the right or bottom and you make the window wider/taller then the mouse will no longer be over the tab and the flyout will close. Second, the content fills the available area and in the case of your sample, the winforms control is aligned to the right so the unpinned tab on the right would still intersect with where the winforms control exists. If you really want to try going down this route then perhaps you can add a static handler for the SizeChanged event of the UnpinnedTabFlyout (the element that hosts the pane being flown out).
Could you please suggest me the Better way to handle this?