I want to apply my own image/style to the close button. How can I do it?
If it is not possible can I put my own button in the Header and give the close action to it?
I dont want pin button and the drop down on the Content pane header. How can I remove it?
Setting the AllowPin property only disables the pin button.
I believe there are other posts in this forum relating to customizing the pane header. Essentially you need to retemplate the PaneHeaderPresenter. The product install includes a DefaultStyles directory which contains the default xaml for the controls so you can use this as the basis for creating your own PaneHeaderPresenter style & template. Another option is to use the public ResourceKey properties exposed to provide custom styles for the buttons. e.g.
I don't want the close button to be displayed, is their any solution for that?
You could modify the snippet I provided and set the Width to 0 instead of 16 - this was just a sample that you could change as you needed. Alternatively you can create your own ControlTemplate for the PaneHeaderPresenter that doesn't include this button. You can use the default xaml we ship with the product as a starting point for your custom template; the xaml is in the DefaultStyles directory.