When a XamDataGrid's root table is expanded, it may yield multiple child tables. Is there a way to show multiple root tables OR is there a way to have a hidden root table with multiple child tables that are presented to an end-user as root tables?
Regarding your first question, I believe this is not possible. You can do this, but by adding DataItems objects in the DataItems collection of the XamDataGrid, but is not available for DataTabled.
However, it is possible to do this using a root DataTable, which has parent-child relations to two other DataTables and bind the root DataTable to the DataSource of the XamDataGrid.
Hope this helps.
Hi Alex,
Could I ask you to expand on the second part of the answer? I have a root data table and multiple child tables. How do I not show the root table but show the child tables in a way that from a user's point of view will look like multiple root tables?