When I programmically change the Theme of the xamRibbon menu (using Theme="Office2k7Blue" for example) i am no longer to see the dropdown menus of the MenuTool buttons that I have in the ribbon.
The ToggleButtonTool based buttons still work as expected, just missing the MenuTool menus which work fine until the theme is changed. If i initially set the theme in the xaml code things work as expected.
Have you tried this with the latest hotfix? Can you provide a sample that demonstrates the problem so I can see the issue?
I've attached a sample project that demonstrates the problem.
In making this sample I found that the functionality of the Menu was lost when I moved the Ribbon into its own xaml file.
When changing the theme when the ribbon was defined in the same xaml file the menu would still dropdown properly. When i created my own ribbon them dropdown functionality was lost as soon as the theme was changed.
Thanks for the help,