I want to use XamDataCarousel instead Menu. it can used this way? Pls clarify.
Thanks in advance.
I can see no reason why it cannot be used. The XamDataCarousel support hierarchical data, has events needed for navigation - RecordActivated, CellActivated, etc.
Thanks Alex, If you have any sample let me know?
The example would depend on what structure your menu would have. Can you provide an example of how you want your menu to look like?
The items of the Menu can be the Xamdatacarousel items. You can create sub modules by creating a hierarchy, but the you will not be able to see both parent and child modules because of the structure of the XamDataCarousel. You would have to click on the parent menu item in order to drill in.
The items can be fully customized by creating custom styles for the CellValuePresenter element.
Thanks for your reply. I need to use XamlDataCarousel as Module Menu. From this menu, i want to call individual module menu's depending upon Module selected from XamlDataCarousel. Individual module Menu are designed separately.