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Slow performance if grid mostly empty ?

I have a strange performance issue on WPF2007 vol2 with xamDataGrid.

 If I assign an untyped DataSet with just 40 records to a grid, and the grid previously has only 1 or 2 rows displayed, then it takes almost 2 seconds to display the grid with the new data. But if I now assign a dataset with 1,000 records to the same grid which is now displaying a full page of data, it displays in 0.1 seconds! It seems that if the xamDataGrid has a largely empty screen performance is much slower when you then display a full screen of data.

Is there a solution to this problem ?

I also find grouping takes several seconds, as does expanding a hierarchical node. Winforms, on the other hand, is instant - and this is progress ?

No Data
  • 8576
    Offline posted
    Hi -
    What version of the XamDataGrid are you using?  (There were significant improvements in Sorting and Grouping speed made for the 7.2 release)
    As for the slow load time when the grid is almost empty - can you supply a sample app the demonstartes this behavior?
    Joe Modica