It looks like GetToolById() returns null when the Id belongs to an application menu footer item. QatPlaceholderTool works as expected.
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. Could you provide a sample that demonstrates the issue and also indicate what version you are using?
I'm using version 9.2.
<r:ApplicationMenu.FooterToolbar> <r:ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar> <r:ButtonTool Id="Options" Command="{StaticResource Options}" Caption="Opt_ions" SmallImage="/Images/Small/Options.png"> <r:ButtonTool.ToolTip> <r:XamRibbonScreenTip Header="Options" /> </r:ButtonTool.ToolTip> </r:ButtonTool> <r:ButtonTool Id="Exit" Command="{StaticResource Exit}" Caption="E_xit" SmallImage="/Images/Small/Exit.png" Margin="8,0,0,0"> <r:ButtonTool.ToolTip> <r:XamRibbonScreenTip Header="Exit" /> </r:ButtonTool.ToolTip> </r:ButtonTool> </r:ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar> </r:ApplicationMenu.FooterToolbar>
Also please notice the Margin property (which should really be set in the theme).