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How can i bind XamCrouselPanel with Datasource ??

H! there

Please tell me how can i bind XamCrouselPanle with Database.

As i want to bind images from database to XamCrouselPanel. I tried doing so but it only access the first top image from datasource on clicking crouselnext button i dont get other images. It shows only one image floating on the path.

Below is the Xaml Code for XamCrouselPanel  






Window.Resources><ObjectDataProvider x:Key="MyData" ObjectType="{x:Type local:DataConnection}" MethodName="GetData" /></Window.Resources>



igWindows:XamCarouselPanel x:Name="XamCarouselPanel1" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyData}}"><igWindows:XamCarouselPanel.ViewSettings><igWindows:CarouselViewSettings IsListContinuous="True" ItemSize="150,150" ItemsPerPage="7"><igWindows:CarouselViewSettings.ItemPathRenderPen><Pen Brush

 ="#FFD4CDCD"/></igWindows:CarouselViewSettings.ItemPathRenderPen> </igWindows:CarouselViewSettings></igWindows:XamCarouselPanel.ViewSettings>

<Image Width="100" Height="100" Source="{Binding Path=Photo}"/>  


Please Tell me How can i bind multiple images to XamCrouselPanel through Datasource?

With above code it only loads first topmost image from datasource it doesnt show rest other images from datasource?  How can i achieve it?

Kindly Reply

Thank you


Vijay Gaur

Xployt Solution



  • 69686
    Verified Answer

    Hello Vijay,

    The images are stored as byte arrays in the data base. You need to extract the bytes and create a bitmap image from them, using a memory stream.

    I am attaching a small sample project of this (using the NorthWind database) and XamDataGrid. As you are using XamCarouselPanel, you have to create Images and add them as child elements of the carousel, but the approach is the same.

    Let me know if you have questions on this.

    WPF_ImageCarousel (2).zip
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