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How can i bind XamCrouselPanel with Datasource ??

H! there

Please tell me how can i bind XamCrouselPanle with Database.

As i want to bind images from database to XamCrouselPanel. I tried doing so but it only access the first top image from datasource on clicking crouselnext button i dont get other images. It shows only one image floating on the path.

Below is the Xaml Code for XamCrouselPanel  






Window.Resources><ObjectDataProvider x:Key="MyData" ObjectType="{x:Type local:DataConnection}" MethodName="GetData" /></Window.Resources>



igWindows:XamCarouselPanel x:Name="XamCarouselPanel1" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyData}}"><igWindows:XamCarouselPanel.ViewSettings><igWindows:CarouselViewSettings IsListContinuous="True" ItemSize="150,150" ItemsPerPage="7"><igWindows:CarouselViewSettings.ItemPathRenderPen><Pen Brush

 ="#FFD4CDCD"/></igWindows:CarouselViewSettings.ItemPathRenderPen> </igWindows:CarouselViewSettings></igWindows:XamCarouselPanel.ViewSettings>

<Image Width="100" Height="100" Source="{Binding Path=Photo}"/>  


Please Tell me How can i bind multiple images to XamCrouselPanel through Datasource?

With above code it only loads first topmost image from datasource it doesnt show rest other images from datasource?  How can i achieve it?

Kindly Reply

Thank you


Vijay Gaur

Xployt Solution



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