How do you style XamEditors with rounded corners (XamNumericEditor, XamDateTimeEditor, XamCurrencyEditor, etc.)? I have modified some styles in C:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2009.2\WPF\DefaultStyles\Editors to use rounded corners, but I've seen some strange behavior after it has been supplied. Has anyone done this before? Can someone provide a code sample?
Can you please tell us exactly what behavior are you seeing?
Anyway, you can find the modified styles for XamTextEditor and XamNumericEditor with rounded corners. All I did is to add a CornerRadius property to the borders of the editors' templates
Thanks for the reply. It seems that I did not style all of the border on the ZXamEditors.
The example that you provided did not include XamDateTimeEditors. Can you provide an example of this as well?