I'm trying to use the XamChart control to just display a line graph, no legend, no title, no axes, and to maximise use of space.
Based on this post, I managed to remove most of the padding:
However, I am finding that there is still a space above the graph that I would like to remove. The following screenshot demonstrates this:
Any thoughts on how to remove this space (shown in white just above the line graph area)?
Note that I am using the 2009.2 version of the library.
Many thanks,
I'll take a look to see if there is something you can do, but just to check, the chart may actually just be padding the axis range, have you tried manually determining your maximum Y value and manually setting the YAxis range to make sure the chart doesnt pad it?
Yeah, it seems like setting the axis range manually helps to remove the extra space padding:
<igCA:XamChart x:Name="chart"> <igCA:XamChart.Axes> <igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryY" Minimum="3" Maximum="7" Unit="1" AutoRange="False" Visible="False"> <igCA:Axis.MajorGridline> <igCA:Mark Visible="False"/> </igCA:Axis.MajorGridline> </igCA:Axis> <igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX" Visible="False"> <igCA:Axis.MajorGridline> <igCA:Mark Visible="False"/> </igCA:Axis.MajorGridline> </igCA:Axis> </igCA:XamChart.Axes> <igCA:XamChart.Series> <igCA:Series ChartType="Line"> <igCA:Series.DataPoints> <igCA:DataPoint Value="3" Fill="#FFD70005" Label="Italy"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="5" Fill="#FF6CA224" Label="Spain"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="4" Fill="#FF076CB0" Label="France"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="7" Fill="#FFE6BE02" Label="China"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="5" Fill="#FF543792" Label="Portugal"> </igCA:DataPoint> </igCA:Series.DataPoints> </igCA:Series> </igCA:XamChart.Series> <igCA:XamChart.Legend> <igCA:Legend Visible="False"/> </igCA:XamChart.Legend> <igCA:XamChart.Scene> <igCA:Scene Margin="0,0,0,0" MarginType="Percent"> <igCA:Scene.GridArea> <igCA:GridArea Margin="5,2,0,5" MarginType="Percent"/> </igCA:Scene.GridArea> </igCA:Scene> </igCA:XamChart.Scene> </igCA:XamChart>
This work out for you?-Graham
Hello Joe,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I created a sample project for you with the functionality you want. Basically I set the XamDataChart’s Padding and Margin to 0. I also handled the Loaded event and in the handler I collapsed the panels that contains the labels and set the Margin of grid inside the Template to 0. Please let me know if this helps you or you have further questions on this matter.
Looking forward for your reply.
Hi Graham,
Do you have any idea of doing the same thing using XamDataChart?
I am having trouble on it.