I want to dosomething like on XamDataGridFieldLayoutSettings :
AllowAddNew="{Binding MyBoolValue, Converter={StaticResource InvertBoolToBoolConverter}}"
but it's not work (it's work on IsEnabled property of an XamTextEditor on same user control)
An issue ? Thanks
When binding a property from FieldLayoutSettings and FieldSettings collections the difference is that the properties are not in the visual tree and therefore need their source explicitly set like so:
<igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings >
<igDP:FieldLayoutSettings AddNewRecordLocation="OnBottom" >
<Binding Path="AllowAddNewProperty" Source="{StaticResource VM}" />
In this case I have used a ViewModel approach intanciated like so:
<local:MainViewModel x:Key="VM" />
Hope this is what you needed.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics Bulgaria
But I want to Bind on a currentItem on view with in a observablecollection in usercontrol datacontext.
My value is MyObservableCollection/MyBool and a converter is use too ...
It doesn't work ! Thanks