Hi, I'm evaluating the ribbon control and have two quick questions regarding it:
1. Is it possible to set the visibility/opacity of the ribbon control to 0, and JUST show the ApplicationMenu and QAT?
2. Is there a color picker included with the ribbon control? Most of the samples have an icon associated with it but no dialog popup for it.
Hello I'm having the same problem where can I find the Ribbon with RichTextBox sample code?
Re-template the entire Ribbon (!!!) -or- If you dont mind having some empty space below the QAT (since the app menu spans the QATand the tab header area), you can: set the IsMinimized to True (to hide the ribbon group area) set AllowMinimize to False (to prevent the end user from unminimizing it) add 1 RibbonTabItem whose Visibility is Hidden (so there is something there to give the area in the second row some height since it is the xamTabControl that is providing that background).
If you dont mind having some empty space below the QAT (since the app menu spans the QATand the tab header area), you can: