When the grid is transposed the first row of the grid containing column headers becomes the first column of the grid. It would be very useful if there was a way to customise the width of the 1st column after transposing the grid. Is there currently way to do this. If so how ?
If not then can I suggest this as a feature enhancement. It would make the transpose functionality much more useful.
You can set the LabelWidth property of the FieldSettings :
<igDP:XamDataGrid BindToSampleData="True">
<igDP:GridViewSettings Orientation="Horizontal" />
<igDP:FieldSettings LabelWidth="200" />
Thanks. That works.
Just one final question on this topic. How do I programmatically amend the width of other columns after transposing (I know I can manually amend the width if FieldLayoutSettings.DataRecordSizingMode = DataRecordSizingMode.InidivuallySizabale but want to also be able to do this in code) .