Hi, the value of my datapoints are ticks. i would like to convert them to DateTime format for showing them in the chart. Can i apply a IValueConverter or does anybody know another solution? i am using a stacked bar chart.
Thanks a lot.
You can use IValueConverter, and one of the overloads on DateTime is passing Ticks as long integer. Here is an example in IValueConverter:
long ticks = System.Convert.ToInt64(parameter); // parameter is a tick value (633026088592552384)DateTime temp = new DateTime(ticks); return System.Convert.ToDateTime(temp);
Let me know if you have any question.
Hi and thanks for your hints. The problem is i do not know where to apply the IValueConverter. On the axis? Which property? Do i need a template for datapoints? On a series property?
Thanks a lot. k.