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Ho to databing XamChart?













Hello, I want to bind a collection to a xamChart. My first attempt. Below is the xaml and the code behind and I am not seeing any chart after I run the application. What am I doing wrong?




    <igCA:XamChart Name="xamChart1" DataContext="{Binding.}">


        <igCA:Series ChartType="Bar" Fill="#FFD21717" Stroke="#FF000000" DataSource="{Binding Source=MothlyCharges}" Label="Monthly Total Charges" DataMapping="Lable=Month; Value=Amount">









    public partial class MainWindow : Window


        public MainWindow()



            this.DataContext = new MV();



    public class MV


        public MV()


            MothlyCharges = new ObservableCollection<MonthlyCharges>();

            MothlyCharges.Add(new MonthlyCharges { Month = "Jan 2010", Amount = 213.99m });

            MothlyCharges.Add(new MonthlyCharges { Month = "Feb 2010", Amount = 1213.99m });

            MothlyCharges.Add(new MonthlyCharges { Month = "Mar 2010", Amount = 213.99m });

            MothlyCharges.Add(new MonthlyCharges { Month = "Apr 2010", Amount = 5213.99m });


        public ObservableCollection<MonthlyCharges> MothlyCharges







    public class MonthlyCharges


        public string Month;

        public decimal Amount;





  • 27093

    Hello Yassin,


    I have been looking into your issue and the code snippet you have provided and can see a few things that could cause this. The first and most important is the DataSource binding you have provided for the Series. By setting the Source property for a binding it is like setting set its DataContext, but you always need to provide a Path. Here is link from the MSDN which should clear things out: . So in your case, as you have already set the DataContext of the XamChart,  you should use:

     DataSource="{Binding Path=MothlyCharges}"


    Another thing you that should actually fail while compilation is:

     <igCA:XamChart Name="xamChart1" DataContext="{Binding.}">


    I suppose you meant to write DataContext="{Binding}" which is actually the default behavior and is somewhat unnecessary.


    Please let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter.



    Petar Monov

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics Bulgaria


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