Good morning,
I just started with the Infragistics WPF suite. While I use the Infragistics Windows Forms suite for quite a while now I stepped into a problem.
Here's the case:I have a BindingList containing objects, nothing special.That BindingList is bound to a xamDataPresenter using an ObjectDataProvider in XAML.
So far so good, records get displayed as expected.
Not there is a "remove" button that should remove a selected row.How can I do this in code?I already tried:
.DeleteSelectedDataRecords.Execute(null, dpOverview);dpOverview.UpdateLayout();
...which does nothing, I casted the DataSource to a BindingList of correct type and removed the record there, not visible and even if I delete the item from the database I am not able to remove the corresponding row.
How can this be done in code? Any hints are kindly appreciated.
best regardsAndy
...a little update:
I figured out why the DeleteSelectedDataRecords command didn't work. I set AllowDelete to true and now it works.
Unfortunately there is now a little popup asking me if it is "ok" to delete the selected records.Actually I do not wan't to ask the users if it is ok for them, I just assume it is. So can this message be suppressed?
I am wondering if this is the correct approach for this scenario. Is there a better way to remove records?And how do I get rid of the popup ;)
Another Update.
I played a round with this problem. When creating a BindingList object in code and then bind it to the datapresenter I can use a reference (private field) of this to remove items via this.queue.RemoveAt(0) for example.
But I am interested in doing this in XAML using Binding.
An other interesting thing is that the datapresenters DataItems are always empty... I assumed when setting the DataSource with Binding it should return a collection to add records etc.
So finally here are the open questions regarding this, I would very much appreciate if somebody could answer them:
- how can I remove rows from datapresenter- how can I remsuppress the popup- why is the DataItems collection always empty- is there a better approach for this... removing records
Binding should still be done with XAML.
Thanks in advance,best regardsAndy
Thanks a ton Alex,
I really appreciate your help!.
Hello Andy,
You can supress the Delete Message by handling RecordsDeleting event and setting the DisplayMessageProeprty. You can find more information here.
The DataSource and DataItems properties are self exclusive. You can set/use only one at a time. If you set the DataSource, then you cannot add items in the DataItems collection and vice versa. This is the same as any ItemsControl and its Items and ItemsSource properties.
Records can be deleted either through the DataSource and the command. Which you use depends on your setup and preference, but they will give you the same final result.