I have tried to create a XamDataChart through c# code behind. I face a null reference exception when it is performing creation for the Numeric Y-Axis. I have my code pasted as screenshot below.
Do you know why the Yaxis settings throw this error while that of X axis does not?
Hi Tungngie,
I was able to reproduce the behavior you described and am going to forward it to development. I'll update you shortly on the outcome.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics Bulgaria
Thank you.
Hi Petar
Thanks. I am sorry that I am late to reply as I am busy with my current project.
For now, i won't be able to verify it. I will try it around in March or June, depending on how smooth the project goes.
Sorry for the late notice.tungngie
I am just checking if you still require any assistance with this matter.
Regards Petar.
Hi Tung Ngie,
This issue has been fixed internally and is available for download: https://ko.infragistics.com/Membership/Default.aspx?panel=Downloads#Downloads . I was wondering if you have been able to verify it?
Thanks for the feedback.
Best regards Petar.
Thank you Petar.
I will try to verify it.
Hello Tung Ngie,
I have logged this issue with development with ID: 36320 and have linked it to the support ticket (number: CAS-50340-D2WBFJ) I created on your behalf based on this forum thread, so you are automatically updated when a fix is available for downloading. You can check the progress of both from our website.
Please let me know if I can assist you further on the matter.
Would you be so kind as to also verify the threads that have been concluded and which helped you solve your issues so that other users may take advantage of them as well.
Thanks in advance.