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How to remove item from XamTabControl's ItemsSource when TabItemEx's close button is clicked


I have a pretty basic need but unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to do it.

Below is the markup of my window which has a TabControl bound to TabList property

of it's DataContext:

    <vm:MainWindowViewModel x:Key="ViewModel"/>

    <DataTemplate x:Key="DocumentItemTemplate" DataType="{x:Type ig:TabItemEx}">
      <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Title}" Margin="3,0,0,0" />

    <DataTemplate x:Key="DocumentContentTemplate">
      <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Content}" Margin="3,0,0,0" />
  <ig:XamTabControl Theme="Office2k7Black" x:Name="tcMain"
                    DataContext="{StaticResource ViewModel}"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding TabList}"
                    ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DocumentItemTemplate}"
                    ContentTemplate="{StaticResource DocumentContentTemplate}"
                    AllowTabClosing="True" TabItemCloseButtonVisibility="WhenSelectedOrHotTracked">
Below is the code of ViewModel that is the DataContext of the window:
  public class MainWindowViewModel {

    private ICommand _RemoveTabCommand;

    public MainWindowViewModel() {
      _RemoveTabCommand = new RelayCommand<TabClass>(RemoveTab, CanRemoveTab);
      TabList = TabClass.GetList();

    public ObservableCollection<TabClass> TabList { getset; }

    public ICommand RemoveTabCommand {
      get { return _RemoveTabCommand; }

    private bool CanRemoveTab(TabClass tab) {
      return tab != null;

    private void RemoveTab(TabClass tab) {

  public class TabClass {
    public string Title { getset; }
    public string Content { getset; }

    public TabClass(string title, string content) {
      Title = title;
      Content = content;

    public static ObservableCollection<TabClass> GetList() {
      var result = new ObservableCollection<TabClass>();
      result.Add(new TabClass("Tab 1""Content 1"));
      result.Add(new TabClass("Tab 2""Content 2"));
      result.Add(new TabClass("Tab 3""Content 3"));
      result.Add(new TabClass("Tab 4""Content 4"));
      result.Add(new TabClass("Tab 5""Content 5"));
      result.Add(new TabClass("Tab 6""Content 6"));

      return result;
What I want is to call the RemoveTabCommand when the close button of a TabItemEx is clicked. 
This should be easy and straightforward but I couldn't do it. We use MEF and MVVM in our project 
and our views exist as resources in a resource dictionary. Therefore we can't manipulate the view
controls in the code-behind; just bind our ViewModels to our Views manage everything through 

Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks in advance.