Since the ribbon Theme property can be Scenic or Office Black (but not both), is there any easy way to get the combined effect? Will this be resolved with the next release?
Currently the theme can be set either to Scenic or Office Black. However, we ship the brushes for these themes in our default styles directory in the Infragistics folder so what you can do is get the brushes for the OfficeBlack theme and replace the Scenic brushes with them.
I'm missing something.
I've added the default styles; Added a reference to PresentationFramework.Luna; added <ResourceDictionary Source="Resources\RibbonScenic.xaml" /> to my Appplication.Resources MergedDictionaries. And in RibbonScenic.xaml, switched the MergedDictionary to RibbonOffice2k7Brushed_Black.xaml".
But I am seeing no change.
The brushes you should add in the XamRibbon's Resources. You can see why this has to be that way here. Please also note that not all of the brushes have the same names with the Office themes brush names. I would recommend is to manually swap the values of the Scenic brushes with their corresponding brush values from the Office theme.