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"Checks" Not Rendered When Using ToggleButtonTool as DataTemplate for MenuTool

I can create a MenuTool in the 'traditional' manner and it works fine in this toolbar. As example:

<Ribbon:MenuTool Caption="Something"
  <Ribbon:ToggleButtonTool Caption="First" IsChecked="True" />
  <Ribbon:ToggleButtonTool Caption="Second" IsChecked="False" />
  <Ribbon:ToggleButtonTool Caption="Third" IsChecked="True" />
</Ribbon:MenuTool> fine.

On the other hand, if I am binding a collection of items to a MenuTool in the same Ribbon and using ToggleButtonTool as the ItemTemplate for it, everything functions except the check-mark...

In the Ribbon:
<Ribbon:MenuTool Caption="Show/Hide Items"
                 ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
                 ItemTemplate="{StaticResource MenuItem}" />

In the ResourceDictionary:
<DataTemplate x:Key="MenuItem">
  <Ribbon:ToggleButtonTool IsChecked="{Binding IsVisible}"
                           Caption="{Binding FullName}" />

I can use a CheckBox without problem, but it doesn't look as good. Any thoughts on this?

Thank you,

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