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Performance of XamTilesControl


I've a performance-problem with my XamTilesControl which contains many (15-20) XamCharts.
If the XamCharts are in 2D-mode it's all okay, but if I switch the XamChart.View3D Property to true, the XamTilesControl takes several seconds if I want to maximize a tile which is in normal-mode. And the moving of the tiles is also very slow.

I'm testing it on a windows-7-machine with 4,00 GB Ram and NVIDIA NVS 3100M. I think it's enopugh power!?

Know anybody a solution to get the XamTilesControl/XamCharts in 3D faster?

thank you....

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  • 27093
    Verified Answer

    Hello Olaf,


    I have been looking into your issue and have actually created an identical sample to your description. I was able to reproduce the behavior you described, but this actually seems expected, since handling so much 3D controls is hard on the machine. Although there is no designated approach to improving the performance of such controls I did find a semi-solution to your issue by turning of the XamTilesCootrol animations like so:



        <igTiles:MaximizedModeSettings ShouldAnimate="False"/>



        <igTiles:NormalModeSettings  ShouldAnimate="False" />



    Hope this helps. Please let me know if I can assist you any further on the matter.



    Petar Monov

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics Bulgaria

