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xammaskededitor issues

1.  Switching to 2010.3, suddenly there is now a red border around the xammaskededitor when the input changes (even if it is valid).  How do I get rid of this?  This is really bad - I need a way to prevent this. 

2.  ValidationConstraints doesn't work - it prevents the spin buttons or any keyboard input, even if the value is between the specifid min and max.

3.  After all this, I wanted to validate the input with event handlers, but apparently there are no events raised when the increment or decrement buttons are pressed, nor is there a 'valuechanging' -only a 'valuechanged' -- I don't want to check if the data is valid after its been changed, I want to validate before it's about to change so I can cancel it.

Thanks for your help, in advance.

  • 7305
    Suggested Answer

    Can you recreate the red border issue on the attached sample so I can review it?

    What exactly doesn't work on validation constraint?  Instead of firing an event and cancelling it, there is a property you can use  "InvalidValueBehavior"  to reset the value.

    If you recreate the issue, please tell me about your environment, Operating System, etc., so I can test in the same environment.

    Thank you,

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