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Changing scrolling with button click

So, my question is this - in the Chart Zoombar WPF Data Visualization example and in my own implementation using the xamZoomBar, I noticed that unless I'm really quick on the click (say that 10 times fast - sorry, it's late on Friday and I'm getting punchy) the zoombar will scroll quite a bit.

Now, I like the idea of being able to scroll by clicking and holding the mouse button on the < > arrow controls (I'm sure there's some official name for those, but I don't know what it is) but I find that it is apt to scroll well more than I'd like.

Is there a way to adjust this to limit the rate of the repeat or at least turn off the repeat?

Hope that makes sense.  I can clarify if it doesn't.



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  • 17605
    Verified Answer


    You can try changing the Zoombar.SmallChange property to something like:

    zoombar.SmallChange = 0.01;


            /// <summary>

            /// Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the values of the Range element.

            /// </summary>

            /// <remarks>

            /// When the user clicks the scroll elements of the Zoombar control, the Range element values

            /// would increase or decrease by the value of SmallChange.

            /// </remarks>

            /// <value>The small change value. The default is 0.1.</value>

            public double SmallChange



    There is also LargeChange property.


            /// <summary>

            /// Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the values of the Range element.

            /// </summary>

            /// <remarks>

            /// When the user clicks the track element of the Zoombar control, the Range element values

            /// would increase or decrease by the value of LargeChange.

            /// </remarks>

            /// <value>The large change value. The default is 0.2.</value>

            public double LargeChange

